Vaccination :- Is it really a sigh of Hope!?


PANDEMIC An imperceptible and catastrophic phase which have the power to even demolish the globe.

It is said that in every 100 year, a pandemic hits the world and swallow the circumstances from head to toe.

1720- plague hits the world followed by cholera which took the lead in 1820, outbreak of Spanish flu in 1920 and now in 2020 Noble Corona Virus disease has become the successor of this chain.

COVID-19 One of the most verbalize word in current state of affairs. The pandemic that hit the world and now gulping down everything. Some died due to the virus while other due to the worst situations faced  during lockdown. But, in order to break the connectivity chain of such a huge population, lockdown was the Habson's choice.

Everything comes to an end, it's the life changing rule of the world. Even the Buddhas said " everything that has a beginning, has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will be well."

And with this, a light at the end of tunnel arises which assures that we can fight against this virus and will get back to normalcy. That sanguine word was 'Vaccine', a vaccine that have an ace up sleeve to win the battle against corona virus.

It's well known that there are thousands of hands that are ready to pull back every good deeds. And that's what happens to vaccine also. Numerous fake news spreads against COVID-19 and its vaccination.

So in order to not to believe in fake bulletins and to make sure that the choice not to get a COVID vaccine is the choice to be amongst 34,32,672 (still counting) people who died from this virus. So, here are some acceptable solutions to the most disputed questions....


Oooo!!! Vaccination is so Scary!??

Many rumours are spreading regarding the vaccination. People believe that after 1st dose of vaccine many are suffering from fever, body ache, headache etc. By this point many believes that the vaccine is not effective and people who are suffering from these symptoms is actually because of reaction of vaccine.

But the reality is quite different, actually there is a certain process through which vaccine goes after being injecting in human body and the process is; It weakens the immunity of the human being to a very low level for around 2-3 days, this is the reason behind all those symptoms.

And after that it boosts the immunity of the individual up to an extent which is more than ever, which helps us to recover from COVID and other diseases.

So, the conclusion is, that no vaccine is 100% effective for COVID but to gain immunity against the virus we all have to get vaccinated ASAP to fight with it and make India COVID free.


But Vaccination dose has been severely affecting some people!!!

Actually no, we can't say that the vaccination doses are severally affecting some people. But still, we are coming across news that people are dying  after  getting vaccinated.

Let us understand by an example of a data of AEFI (Adverse Events Following Immunization; AEFI means people who got into adverse situation after the vaccination.)

According to a study in India, 6 crore people were vaccinated and monitored , from which only 180 deaths occurred in the span of 28 days after vaccination. And this is 0.0003% of 6 crore. So, 0.0003% people died after they got vaccinated, and also the research ensures that there is no casual direct link related to vaccination amongst the dead ones.

So, the conclusion is that, after vaccination you'll not become a superman or invincible person. For the first 3 days after vaccination dose your immunity weakens up to a great extent and during this time you can get any kind of infection that may cause you some serious damage. So, you need to be on guard and take good care of yourself, especially for first few days after vaccination.

So get vaccinated, as per your doctor's instructions and stay home, stay safe !!!


We don't need to get vaccinated, we'll get infected again!!??!!

No vaccine guarantee 100% immunity from the Corona virus. So a small percent of vaccinated people get sick , but the symptoms are likely to be mild. The main reason for breakthrough cases is that vaccines are not perfect.

“We need to draw a distinction between infection and disease.”  As none of the present vaccines claims to protect you from infection, breakthrough cases aren’t surprising. You will never know how bad your symptoms would have been if you had not been vaccinated.

But what makes some vaccinated people more susceptible to the virus than others?

There could be many factors, from your immune system’s response to the virus variant you are exposed to.

Taking proper precautions even after you have been vaccinated can reduce the risk of breakthrough cases. Especially now, when corona virus infections are sharply rising across India and your chances of exposure to the virus have increased.

   Vaccines are not effective on new mutants of Virus.     Is it??

When a virus is readily spreading in a population, it is more likely to mutate and replicate itself. However,  the changes or mutation in the virus should not make the currently available vaccines completely ineffective because the vaccines that are currently in development or have been approved are capable to provide some protection against new virus variants as they elicit a broad immune response.

Nevertheless,  in order to increase the efficacy of vaccines it is required that vaccines must incorporate more than one strain when in development, booster shots may be required and trials must also be designed. Hence, we all must proceed with vaccination even if the vaccines may be somewhat less efficient against some of COVID-19 variants as these are the only life saving tools we have at present while we continue to ameliorate these tools.


But vaccine has not been found effective in some cases. Is it?

A recent report from Maharashtra Administration says that a complete factory producing fake doses of vaccines has been caught soon after a raid was carried out by the administration. Those fake doses contained nothing but Glucose filled injections. So, if you have been vaccinated and you do observe that vaccine don't have any effect on you, there is a strong possibility that the given dose was a fake one. Therefore, try consult  a doctor if possible and undergo some necessary tests.

So, even after getting vaccinated don't let your guard down, follow all the safety precautions and stay healthy. When the time comes, sooner or later,  you will get to know whether it was a real vaccine or a fake one.

Also, don't let this doubt become an excuse for you because in these harsh times Vaccine is the only sigh of hope.


There is a vast shortage of Vaccines!!!

India has administered around 160 million doses of a corona virus vaccine (the predominant shots being used are the AstraZeneca shot, produced locally as Covishield, as well as an indigenous vaccine called Covaxin developed by Bharat Biotech).

Only 30 million people have had the complete two doses of a COVID vaccine in India so far, government data shows. That’s a small number (just over 2%) of India’s total population of 1.3 billion people — although around a quarter of that total are under 15 years old and, as such, are not eligible for a vaccine yet.

Since May 1, anyone aged 18 or over is eligible for a COVID vaccine although this expansion of the vaccination program has been hampered given the shortage of doses that have been reported throughout the country by national media.

The reality is that in India there is no shortage of vaccines it was the problem of management by the Indian government. Management regarding the supply of vaccines to state governments...

There is no proper plan about how many doses has to supply??

When to supply?? And all…

Vaccine supplies are “unlikely to change drastically,”. India needs anywhere between 200 to 250 million doses a month to function COVID-19 vaccination drives to full capacity and it has around 70-80 million doses a month. Clearly, there is a long way to get  that kind of supply. But, the responsibility of shortage of vaccines is only on the government or only on the manufacturing companies?

The shortcomings in vaccine supplies has led to a deflection of blame with vaccine manufacturers in the firing line. Questions over vaccine prices, manufacturing capacity and the destination of supplies have beset the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, the Serum Institute of India, and Bharat Biotech, the Hyderabad-based pharmaceutical company that manufactures Covaxin.

“I’ve been victimized very unfairly and wrongly,” Poonawala said to the Financial Times on Monday, adding that he had not boosted capacity earlier because “there were no orders, we did not think we needed to make more than 1 billion doses a year.”

Poonawala noted that the Indian government had ordered 21 million doses of Covishield from the Serum Institute at the end of February but didn’t indicate when or if it would buy more, then it ordered an additional 110 million doses in March when infections started to rise.

In short, according to the facts it clearly shows that the problem is somewhere in the management of government, but this is not the time to criticize the government, it’s time to be united and get vaccinated ASAP, whenever got the appointment of vaccination.


Coming on to the conclusion:-

In today's situation where everyone is fighting for their survival and their loved ones. The greatest lesson that COVID-19 can teach humanity is that we are in this together. Everything is so temporary... malls, gym, hotels, movie and society around which our lives were revolving have gone and we're living without them. And at the end it's only family, home and your productive mind that keeps you safe.

Thousands of workers are still going out of their houses away from family just to protect other's lives. In the sake of humanity, it's our obligation to repay their favor. The only way is to stand together in this situation to fight against corona virus. Cooperate with protective measures laid down and to follow every precaution.

At the end choice is ours whether to win this battle or to lose everything we have.

"Nothing in the life is to be feared, it is only to be understood... now it's the time to understand more, so that we can fear less." - Marie Curie





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